Meet Gabby

What’s next?

So, you think you might be experiencing some lupus symptoms, or you have a friend who is.

For some things in life, Mom knows best.

But for this – you’ll want to bring in the professionals. Start taking control of your health today.

It starts with you

If you are not feeling well and something feels “off,” take the Could It Be Lupus? interactive questionnaire. If your symptoms are related to lupus, or you are at risk for lupus, you should talk with your healthcare provider about it.

It doesn’t have to be just how you feel today – if you experienced symptoms a week ago, month ago, write it down.

Talk to your health care provider

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms, (one or more) it’s time to schedule an appointment to talk to your health care provider. Your health care provider will help you understand your symptoms and figure out the best care plan. You can use this symptom tracker to start keeping tabs on what you’ve been going through.

There isn’t one test that can diagnose lupus. It’s important to know your body and make that appointment. Remember – the earlier you get diagnosed, the better it is for your long-term health. There are specialists (called rheumatologists) who focus on autoimmune diseases like lupus and can help develop a plan specifically for you.

Check out this guide to help prep for your appointment.

Help a Friend

If you have a friend (or a friend of a friend) who may be experiencing symptoms, do her a solid. Share this site with her. Women who look out for other women are the definition of fierce.

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