Kassy Webb, diagnosed at 21
As a kid, my body was always in pain. At 16, I had a persistent butterfly rash on my face and was always tired. At the time, we talked with my doctor about lupus, but the testing that was conducted did not reveal a lupus diagnosis. It wasn’t until my dad was diagnosed with discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) that I researched my symptoms more intensely. I demanded that my doctor refer me to a rheumatologist, where I received testing again with the same negative results. I fought long and hard to eventually get a diagnosis from a nurse practitioner and was put on a treatment regimen. I’ve had to deal with scalp lesions, mouth ulcers, and migraines. My diagnosis led me down a long path, but I don’t let that define me. Every day, I choose to advocate for my fellow lupus spoonies (lupus warriors), and I have dedicated my career to helping women thrive.

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Meet Kassy